Frame: Sunday 21 "WAVE"
Bars: Sunday...
Fork: We The People
Grips: Hoffman Mushrooms
Wheels: Primo 7000 rims( front and back) Demolition Setup for hubs
Cranks: DK chop stix
Pedals: Odyssey Plastics
Stem: Fly
Headset: FSA Internal
Pegs- Shadow Mean Pegs
Sprocket: Animal 30T
Chain: KMC Half link
Tires- Animal GLH in front, ASM in back
Word no seat on it yet. Had to put the chain on on the LIRR and fix my backwheel. Well first, I woke up around 10, seen 57 degrees on the TV, jumped up and finish putting the bike together. By the time Fats left, it was 45 degrees.Lol. Got to the banks and all the locals were there. Sani, back on his bike, Muff, with his new frame, Poach, Ed, Vinnie, Oba, James, Cole, all the locals ya dig. Good riding went down from some; others just chilling. Another day tommorrow.