Iv walked into this train station lots of times always thinking to myself Im goin to ride this spot one day or someone is going to do some crazy shit. The best thing of all... its a train station. Get Caught riding it and it is a ticket for sure. Looks like Eric was crazy enough to do it.
Its been beautiful out in New York. 70-80 degree weather, we are pulling out the shorts again. With weather like this.... we are trying to film as much as possible. But in other news..
Arcade has a Stem out.Not sure of the specs but it is looking nice
MuffinMan and Adam22 have teamed up and made the MuffinMan Shirt. Priceless Limited to 50. 10 bucks + 2 for shipping heyshutupman@hotmail.com is Adam's paypal. Reply With the quote 'Let me Milk"
For those who havn't seen the Brad Simms Micreation Web edit which i probably should of posted, here is the YouTube version.
Odyssey Clear Plastic pedals are being shipped. I'm personally getting 3 pair. ride the first set, and sit on the others until they are worth 100 dollars a pop.
Last but not least Arron Ross Electronical video is on Youtube. Someone upload the rest.
Down in Virginia chilling with strep Throat but still made time to make it to Hot Import Nights(HIN). There were unlimited half naked women touring around with thongs Sky High and boobs pushhhhhh out. Besides the women... there were cars.. bikes.. trucks.. and MORE WOMEN. Also i got to drive a Nissan 350z for a few days so that was a treat. More pics to come